+44 (0) 1223 830090

This section contains information on the services provided by de Havilland Support Ltd:
To ensure the ongoing safety of the worldwide fleet of de Havilland civil aircraft, de Havilland Support Ltd offers to subscribers its Continuing Airworthiness Service (CAS). In return for subscribing to the CAS, customers receive the following benefits:
General Services:
- All Technical News Sheet/Service Bulletin amendments as issued - free of charge.
- Publications – 10% discount.
- Drawings – 10% discount.
- Spare parts – 10% discount.
Query Answer Service:
DHSL will respond as soon as reasonably practicable to such enquiries, and work for CAS subscribers will have precedence over that for non-subscribers. DHSL reserves the right to charge man-hours and other expenses in the event of a complex enquiry which cannot be resolved by a short phone call or e-mail (customers will be warned if this seems likely).
Other Work:
Bespoke work carried out for CAS subscribers, such as modification submissions, repair design, consultancy etc, will be charged at normal hourly rates without discount.
Cost of Joining the CAS:
The cost of joining the CAS is shown on the downloadable application form on the aircraft type-specific pages of this website.
To join the CAS, please download the application form and submit to de Havilland Support Ltd by fax or e-mail, together with the appropriate payment.
The TRA is an Agreement between DHSL and the UK CAA - involving only participating aircraft owners - which allows the provision of Type Support for DH82A Tiger Moth, DH89A Dragon Rapide, DHC-1 Chipmunk and Scottish Aviation Bulldog aircraft. Primarily, the TRA allows an ICAO-compliant UK Certificate of Airworthiness to be held. [Other National Airworthiness Authorities may likewise recognise the TRA as a basis on which to grant their own forms of certification]
TRA-subscribing members receive the following benefits:
- Two copies of a DHSL certificate (to be renewed annually) confirming that the subject aircraft is covered by the DHSL/UK CAA TRA, as is required by a compulsory C of A condition.
- All Technical News Sheet/Service Bulletin amendments as issued - free of charge.
- Publications – 10% discount.
- Drawings – 10% discount.
- Spare parts – 20% discount.
- Fatigue calculations (where applicable) – 50%.
- Priority attention over non-subscribers.
Cost of Joining the TRA:
The initial cost of joining the TRA is shown on the downloadable application form on the aircraft type-specific pages of this website. Alternative rates apply to quarterly payments, single payments, and renewals.
To join the TRA, please download the application form and submit to de Havilland Support Ltd by fax or e-mail, together with the appropriate payment.
Technical News Sheets (TNS) and Service Bulletins (SB) are the respective means by which the de Havilland Aircraft Company and Scottish Aviation, and their successor companies, published information affecting the continued airworthiness of the various aircraft types. Some of these TNS and SB have been mandated by the UK CAA and other national aviation authorities. The purchase price of TNS and SB does not include a subscription to the relevant amendment service, and to benefit from this provision it is necessary for customers to join the Continuing Airworthiness Service (CAS) – see above.
(Note: CAS membership is no longer offered for the Beagle Pup aircraft, due to the low level of DHSL activity since this type was included by EASA regulation. Any services rendered will be charged for on a case by case basis, as they arise)
Numerous technical publications have previously been issued in support of de Havilland aircraft, including Maintenance and Repair Manuals, Schedules of Spare Parts, Maintenance Schedules and Flight Manuals. For the Beagle Pup and Scottish Aviation Bulldog we can supply both the normal airframe publications and, for the Bulldog T Mk 1 (by licence from the UK Ministry of Defence) copies of the applicable Royal Air Force Air Publications. Details of those publications currently available can be viewed by clicking the Publications - Status and Prices button. As well as showing the current price of all publications, this document also shows the current amendment status of each document. This is authoritative information for approved organisations needing to demonstrate that their publications are up to date.
Please note that the technical content of most documents has been ‘frozen’ and the only means of amending the data has been by the promulgation of a TNS or SB. Whilst there is currently no active amendment service for technical publications other than TNS and SB, it is advisable that publication holders register their interest so that they might be informed if an amendment or revision should be published. Accordingly, there is no charge for registration as a publication holder.
de Havilland Support Ltd is able to supply copies of any Approved Flight Manual, where one has been authorised for the aircraft type concerned. The UK requirement for an Approved Flight Manual affects only aircraft first certified after 1949. Chipmunk, Beagle Pup and Bulldog aircraft therefore require Flight Manuals, a special version of which is available for Chipmunk T Mk 10 aircraft operated in Australia. Before an Approved Flight Manual can be prepared for any Chipmunk aircraft, details of the specific modification state must be determined and a special questionnaire is available on request to assist this process. Each Approved Flight Manual is issued with a Certificate of Conformity which is applicable to the individual aircraft concerned. The cost of available Approved Flight Manuals is shown in the listing of Publications - Status and Prices.
de Havilland Support Ltd can provide copies of manufacturing drawings to assist in the maintenance or restoration of existing aircraft. It is a requirement of our Terms and Conditions of Business that orders are confirmed in writing. We do not supply complete ‘sets’ of drawings, nor do we supply drawings in support of the construction of home-built or replica aircraft. Before an order for drawings is delivered, the customer must confirm the order on the proforma provided. In signing the proforma the customer indicates acceptance of our Terms and Conditions of Business, in particular that element which deals with the supply of drawings and their approval status. (A complete copy of the Terms and Conditions of Business can be supplied on request and is also available for download from this website).
The costs of drawings are shown in the table below. Most de Havilland drawings are available for sale as reproductions from microfilmed aperture cards. Image quality is variable but every effort is made to improve the printed output by using the latest digital scanning hardware and software. Drawings are printed from A4 size up to A0, depending on the content and complexity.
The scale of charges for drawings is as follows:
Size of Drawing | Price |
A4 | £5 |
A3 | £10 |
A2 | £20 |
A1 | £25 |
A0 | £30 |
Drawing Ordering Procedure
Drawings should be ordered by quoting the drawing number or component part number, ideally by reference to the relevant Parts List, Catalogue or Schedule. A major restoration project may benefit from the outset by ordering copies of the top level General Arrangement drawings for each major component or system, which in turn call up the next level of more detailed drawing. In the first instance, orders should be submitted to de Havilland Support Ltd by letter, FAX or e-mail so that we can ascertain drawing availability and advise the costs, including any postal charges.
The de Havilland Support Ltd archive contains an array of existing repair drawings and salvage schemes. Thus, if an aircraft has damage in excess of published limits in the Maintenance and Repair Manuals, a ready solution or a starting point for repair design may already be available. Alternatively, the Company can originate entirely new repair schemes or classify the extent of damage under the terms of its CAA design approval.
The de Havilland Support Ltd Design Approval issued by the UK CAA allows the Company to originate modifications. Such activity might range from the approval of an alternative material specification to the design of a completely new aircraft system. Due to the variability of the work required in modification design, each task would be the subject of an individual quotation.
First and foremost, de Havilland Support Ltd is the holder of a Type Responsibility Agreement with the UK CAA and not a spares stockist. However, the Company does hold stocks of various spare parts, some of new manufacture. Comprehensive details of available spare parts will be notified shortly on this website, using the Company’s new e-commerce capability.
The requirements for the management of Bulldog airframe fatigue lives are explained in Service Letter BDG/1/2004, which is available as a pdf download from the Bulldog type-specific page. It is essential that these requirements are followed, especially in the case of those aircraft where the consumption of Fatigue Index (FI) is managed by the use of a Fatigue Meter. The annual calculation of FI consumed must be carried out by de Havilland Support Ltd and an application form for the task is also available as a pdf download from the Bulldog type-specific page. To allow time for the calculation and verification process to be completed, applications should be submitted no less than 28 days before the date the Certificate is required. A 50% discount on the fee is available to aircraft subscribed to the DHSL TRA scheme.
The requirements for the independent calculation of Chipmunk Fatigue Hours (FH) consumed are explained in Technical News Sheet (TNS) CT(C1) No 138, which is available at no cost as a pdf download from the Chipmunk type-specific page. This TNS is classified as mandatory by the UK Civil Aviation Authority and it is essential that the requirements are followed. The annual calculation of FH consumed must be carried out by de Havilland Support Ltd and an application form for the task is also available as a pdf download from the Chipmunk type-specific page. To allow time for the calculation and verification process to be completed, applications should be submitted no less than 28 days before the date the Certificate is required. A 50% discount on the fee is available to aircraft subscribed to the DHSL TRA scheme.
Since 2001 de Havilland Support Ltd has undertaken many projects which are beyond the immediate remit of a Type Certificate or Type Responsibility Agreement Holder. Some examples of such consultancy tasks include:
- Type certification of the DH82A aircraft in Israel
- Advice given on aviation topics to an internationally-renowned novelist
- Assistance with a national TV series on vintage vehicle restoration
- Aircraft surveys for intending purchasers
- Aircraft surveys in lieu of Export Certificates of Airworthiness
- Advice on shipment and transportation
- Aircraft purchase on behalf of a private buyer
- Data provided for construction of film mock-ups and sets
- Vetting for accuracy of a new range of die-cast collectors’ models
- Proof-reading of manuscripts involving DHSL aircraft types
- Expert witness work
- Aircraft support advice to UK and overseas military air arms